
In this menu you can give people control over your controller, can be limited or full access.

  1. List Users:

    • View users added to your controller and their access levels. Click 'report' to display this in local chat.

    • Users are numbered in the menu. Click a number to remove that user.

  2. Add User:

    • Scans for nearby agents. Selecting a name brings up options to set their access level: Owner (full access), Power, or Basic (limited access).

  3. Clear Users:

    • Removes all users from the controller.

  4. Blacklist/Whitelist:

    • Blacklist: Blocks specific users from accessing the controller.

    • Whitelist: Grants trusted users access. Both lists can be cleared.

  5. Consent Toggle:

    • Turn on/off. If on, you'll get a prompt when someone tries to access your controller, giving you the option to grant temporary access, add them to the user list, or block them.

Last updated