Profiles AKA Cold-Swapping

Still in BETA.

The following instructions MUST be followed EXACTLY.

Profiles allow the user to copy an existing controller and create separate settings. This use case is for users who swap outfits and or characters/avatars.


  • Different Name/Designation

  • Different Owners/Trusts

  • Genders

  • Colors

Due to encryption if any profile is lost there will be absolutely NO WAY to get the generated key back. You will have to generate a new one. Please SAVE the profile name and key.


Command: !generate profile <name> Usage: Allows the user to name the profile. User must remember the name in case user was to lose the generated key. Without the name the user CANNOT get the generated key back.

1. Always generate a new key, never reuse an older key.

2. Always generate the key on the controller (or controller copy) you intend to use it with, never create a key for a different controller.

3. Always remember the <name> parameter if you wish to generate a new key with the same profile in the future, else the profile is lost due to encryption.

4. Make sure your controllers are up to date. If using the BYOC make sure your scripts are the most recent ones.

Worst case if not following rules 1 and 2 is that you may have missed script updates leading to inconsistent behavior; if not following rule 3 will ultimately result in a lost profile never to be used again by any other controller.


1. Make a copy of your controller.

2. Run !generate profile <name> make sure you create a name that is easy for you to remember. It is required incase you lose your generated key.

2. Copy the generated key and shutdown/remove your controller.

3. Attach your controller copy but DO NOT BOOT. You will need to edit it and find the prim 'system.main' and place the generated key in the description of the prim.

4. It is HIGHLY recommended to reattach the controller after updating the key, but not required.

Last updated