This documentation provides an outline of the specifications for the KOR API.

The API exchanges data through channel -757982 and must be within a 15m range, utilizing JSON messages for structured communication.

Request Fields

id- [Required] last 12 characters of the target uuid, i.e. ########-####-####-####-f60daf6b8876

handle- A unique identifier for your requests. This handle allows request tracking and will be returned in the server's response.

size- Defines the limit on the amount of data to return in the response. The limit constraints are a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 960.

channel- Specifies the channel on which you wish to receive responses; else defaults to -757981

fetch- Contains an array where the elements can be either names of segments or JSON objects. A JSON object has the segment name as the key and another JSON object representing the parameters as the value.

store- An array of JSON objects. Each JSON object should have a segment name as the key and a JSON object of parameters as the value.

Response Fields

handle- An optional field which, if specified in a request, will be returned in the corresponding response. If this field is not specified in the request, it will not be present in the response. (Up to 15 characters)

status- Indicator of the request's processing status. 200 signifies a successful final response, while 206 indicates a partial response spanning multiple messages.

size- Specifies the number of responses to return.

part- The index of the response provided, starting from 1.

data- Contains the data of the response.

Example I

Request on -757982
{"id": "f60daf6b8876", "handle": "TEST", "fetch": ["colors"]}
Returns on -757981
{"handle":"TEST","status":200,"data":"{"colors":{"color":"<1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>","color-2":"<0.56000, 0.87500, 1.00000>","color-3":"<1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>","color-4":"<1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>"}}"}

Example II

Request on -757982
{"id": "f60daf6b8876", "channel": -4242, "fetch": ["designation"]}
Returns on -4242
{"status": 200,"data":"{\"designation\":\"Flosk 'Kobot'\"}"}

Example III

Request on -757982
{"id": "f60daf6b8876", "handle": "ME", "channel": -4242, size: 50, "fetch": ["colors", "designation"]}
Returns on -4242
{"handle": "ME", "status": 206, "size": 5, "part": 1, "data": "{\"colors\":{\"color\":\"<1.00000, 0.00000, 0.0000"}
{"handle": "ME", "status": 206, "size": 5, "part": 2, "data": "0>\",\"color-2\":\"<0.56000, 0.87500, 1.00000>\","}
{"handle": "ME", "status": 206, "size": 5, "part": 3, "data": "\"color-3\":\"<1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>\",\"color"}
{"handle": "ME", "status": 206, "size": 5, "part": 4, "data": "-4\":\"<1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>\"},\"designatio"}
{"handle": "ME", "status": 200, "size": 5, "part": 5, "data": "n\":\"Flosk 'Kobot'\"}"}

Example Script

integer KORI = -757982; // KOR API
string JSON = "";

        key kTarget = llGetOwner();
        list lTarget = llParseString2List((string)kTarget, ["-"], []);
        // prepare request data
        string jSubsystemParams = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [
                "include", llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, ["id", "label"])
        string jSubsystemSegment = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [
            "subsystems", jSubsystemParams
        // fetch "colors" and "subsystems"
        string jFetchSegments = llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [
            "colors", jSubsystemSegment
        string jRequest = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [
            "id", llList2String(lTarget, -1), 
            "fetch", jFetchSegments

        // jRequest = {"id":"f60daf6b8876","fetch":["colors",{"subsystems":{"include":["id","label"]}}]}

        llListen(KORI + 1, "", NULL_KEY, ""); // default response channel
        llRegionSayTo(kTarget, KORI, jRequest);

    listen(integer iChan, string sName, key kUuid, string sJson)
        // response returned
        JSON += llJsonGetValue(sJson, ["data"]);
        if(206 == (integer)llJsonGetValue(sJson, ["status"])) return;
        JSON = "";
Example Output (clean)
  "colors": {
    "color": "<1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>",
    "color-2": "<0.56000, 0.87500, 1.00000>",
    "color-3": "<1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>",
    "color-4": "<1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>"
  "subsystems": [
      "id": "subsys.audio",
      "label": "Audio"
      "id": "policy.comms",
      "label": "Comms"
      "id": "subsys.core",
      "label": "Core"
      "id": "subsys.optics",
      "label": "Optics"
      "id": "subsys.qtt",
      "label": "QTT"
      "id": "subsys.servos",
      "label": "Servos"

Example Script II

Fetching Power Status
integer KORI = -757982; // KOR API
string JSON = "";

        key kTarget = llGetOwner();
        list lTarget = llParseString2List((string)kTarget, ["-"], []);
        // prepare request data
        string jPowerParams = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [
                "include", llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, ["source"])
        string jPowerSegment = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [
            "power", jPowerParams
        // fetch "power"
        string jFetchSegments = llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [
        string jRequest = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [
            "id", llList2String(lTarget, -1), 
            "fetch", jFetchSegments

        // jRequest = {"id":"f60daf6b8876","fetch":[{"power":{"include":["source"]}}]}

        llListen(KORI + 1, "", NULL_KEY, ""); // default response channel
        llRegionSayTo(kTarget, KORI, jRequest);

    listen(integer iChan, string sName, key kUuid, string sJson)
        // response returned
        JSON += llJsonGetValue(sJson, ["data"]);
        if(206 == (integer)llJsonGetValue(sJson, ["status"])) return;
        JSON = "";
Output: (clean)

Last updated