This documentation provides an outline of the specifications for the KOR API.
The API exchanges data through channel -757982 and must be within a 15m range, utilizing JSON messages for structured communication.
Request Fields
id- [Required] last 12 characters of the target uuid, i.e. ########-####-####-####-f60daf6b8876
handle- A unique identifier for your requests. This handle allows request tracking and will be returned in the server's response.
size- Defines the limit on the amount of data to return in the response. The limit constraints are a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 960.
channel- Specifies the channel on which you wish to receive responses; else defaults to -757981
fetch- Contains an array where the elements can be either names of segments or JSON objects.
A JSON object has the segment name as the key and another JSON object representing the parameters as the value.
store- An array of JSON objects. Each JSON object should have a segment name as the key and a JSON object of parameters as the value.
Response Fields
handle- An optional field which, if specified in a request, will be returned in the corresponding response. If this field is not specified in the request, it will not be present in the response.
(Up to 15 characters)
status- Indicator of the request's processing status. 200 signifies a successful final response, while 206 indicates a partial response spanning multiple messages.
size- Specifies the number of responses to return.
part- The index of the response provided, starting from 1.