Command Reference
These commands are subject to change, and more will be added as development continues.
Must pass ! or | before a command for the system to recognize them.
hide hud
, hive
, mood
, boot
, shutdown
, menu
, restart
, probe
, update
, charger release
, releasechat
, grabchat
, lightbus
, lightbus pub
, shout
, whisper
, status
, relay RED
, servos
, qtt
, audio
, unfollow
, prsxyz
, color
, say
, whisp
, warp
, jolt
, boot silent
, boot verbose
, show hud
, reset ui
, devices
, subsys
, users
, profile
, mind
, warp head
, warp head^
, warp head~#
, go-rogue
Usage: !boot
Description: Turns the system on.
Usage: !shutdown
Description: Turns the system off.
Usage: !menu
Description: Opens up the Main Menu.
You can also access subset menus using commands like !menu subsys
or !menu devices
Also, you can use your serial number, e.g., /#### menu
Subset commands include:
subsys: Opens the Subsystems menu.
devices: Opens the Devices menu.
users: Opens the Users menu.
profile: Opens the Profile menu.
mind: Opens the Mind menu.
Usage: !probe
Description: Probes for NS Devices through the Lightbus.
Usage: !update
Description: Must be used at designated locations to perform script updates of the system.
Current location is the KOR main store.
charger release
Usage: !charger release
Description: To be run when stuck on a charger. This releases RLV restrictions.
Usage: !releasechat
Description: To be used when wanting to stop talking through an object, also known as Chat Redirect.
Usage: /#### grabchat
Description: Used to talk through an object, effectively turning on Chat Redirect (#### last four of your serial number).
Usage: !lightbus
Description: Allows you to send a command through the Private Lightbus channel, refer to NS documentation.
lightbus pub
Usage: !lightbus pub
Description: Allows you to send a command through the Public Lightbus channel, refer to NS documentation.
Usage: !s OR !shout
Description: Allows the unit to SHOUT.
Usage: !w OR !whisper
Description: Allows the unit to whisper.
Usage: !status
Description: Reports the current system status into local chat.
relay RED
Usage: !relay RED
Description: RLV clear restrictions/stop. (RED, i.e., your SAFEWORD, can be changed in the RLV settings in the controller.)
Usage: !servos full/half/halt
Description: Controls the level of the servos.
Usage: !qtt on/off
Description: Enables & Disables Teleporting.
Usage: !audio on/off
Description: Turns audio on & off. This controls the RLV function of being able to receive IMs and local chat.
Usage: !unfollow
Description: Tells the unit to stop following a target.
Usage: !prsxyz
Description: Saves the controller's position, allowing the battery to automatically center itself based on the controller's location.
Usage: !color <HEX | RGB | COLOR>
Description: Changes the unit's color. You can use any of the formats: HEX, RGB, or named color. Can also use all four NS Lightbus channels, e.g., !color a red
Usage: /#### say
Description: Allows an owner to speak through their unit (#### last four of serial number).
Usage: /#### whisp
Description: Allows an owner to whisper through their unit (#### last four of serial number).
Usage: /#### shout
Description: Allows an owner to shout through their unit (#### last four of serial number).
Usage: /#### relay
Description: Allows an Owner/Master to open up the RLV Relay panel (#### last four of serial number).
Usage: /#### shutdown
Description: Allows an owner to shutdown their unit (#### last four of serial number).
Usage: !warp
Description: Brings up rolling teleport history.
warp head
Usage: !warp head
Description: Brings you back to the last TP spot on the sim you're on currently.
warp head^
Usage: !warp head^
Description: Teleports you to the last sim you were on, think of it as a back button.
warp head~#
Usage: !warp head~#
Description: # indicating the number in the warp list so you can teleport to any sim in your history.
Usage: !jolt
Description: Charges units within a 5m radius for 1% battery power.
jolt <UUID>
Usage: !jolt <unit's UUID> <CHARGE VALUE>
Description: Charges a unit directly for no more than 1% of battery power. <CHARGE VALUE> is an optional value that can be used.
boot silent
Usage: !boot silent
Description: MUST be used in offline state. Allows quiet boot.
boot verbose
Usage: !boot verbose
Description: MUST be used in offline state. Allows boot to be detailed.
hide hud
Usage: !hide hud
Description: Hides the HUD.
show hud
Usage: !show hud
Description: Shows the HUD.
Usage: !hive
Description: Sends a message to every user wearing the controller across the grid.
reset ui
Usage: !reset ui
Description: Centers the UI on the user's screen.
Usage: !mood
Description: Allows the unit to set a mood, up to 40 characters. You must add the tag to your overhead titler.
<controller_name> resize
Usage: !<controller_name> resize
Description: Allows the user to save the current size of a controller.
<controller_name> <command>
Usage: !<controller_name> <command>
Description: Allows the user to run a controller specific command. (i.e !helix vent
Usage: !go-rogue or /#### go-rogue
(Replace ####
with the last four digits of your serial number)
Description: Allows the unit to regain control from their Master
Menu also has a subset of commands that can be used such as subsys, devices, users, profile, mind.
All of which open up their respected menus. Can be passed by doing !menu subsys to bring up your Subsystems for example.
Last updated